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John Prine

John Prine at Grand Ole Opry House

Why see John Prine?

John Prine is back on tour!

If there was any justice in the world, John Prine would be a household name. Playing in the Chicago folk scene of the early '70s, Prine was plucked from obscurity by Kris Kristofferson, an endorsement which helped to land him his first recording contract. Bob Dylan is also one of his biggest fans, terming Prine's work "pure Proustian existentialism". He's a singer who trades in life's little details, imbuing everyday existence with a kind of romantic grandeur.

Now in his 60s, Prine is still going strong. It may be a while since his last record but he always seems to be on the road. He tends to tour with a very sparse backing band, leaving his words front and center, just as they should be.


Customer reviews

14 reviews, average rating: (4.9 Stars)

Steve Fagan


i am a long-time Prine fan, but I am also a realist and not much of a mindless fawner over any of my favorite entertainers. I don't just will-nilly hand out glowing reviews and I have to say that I cam to the John Prine concert at Clowes Hall on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis oh May 12 expect to see a Prine sufferring the symptoms of age and his bout with cancer. The last time I saw hin, his was the opening act fo the Avett Brothers at Red Rocks outiside of Denver more than two years ago and he's been through a lot since then. But, Prine performance at Clowes was not in the least bit dimnished by time or his health. OK, he wasn't the Prine I first saw back in the early 70s, but his voice and his energy where both still very stong for the Clowes performance. He thrilled the audience with a mix of some of his really wonderful old tunes such as Hello In There, Sam Stone, and Angel From Montgomery and songs from Tree of Forgiveness -- his first new album ih 13 years . ... Read more

Dirk V

Aged but still going strong.

I travelled from Toronto to attend the Chicago show April 27, 2018. This excellent venue was sold out and anxious for the show. As usual John Prine introduced us to some music we would probably never experience through warm up act , Milk Carton Boys. They were a cross between Simon and Garfunkle and the Smothers Brothers when they were at their best. Very skilled guitarists and singers. The Prine show was really great. The gravelly voice was evident but didn't deter anyone from enjoying the show. Great song selection and one fantastic band. If John Prine is in your vicinity get to the show while he is still performing so well. One unfortunate distraction was the catcalling from the audience, mostly at inappropriate times. One woman in particular should have been escorted out of the facility. ... Read more

David Sundby

five stars with an asterick

I was very pleased with Prine's performance; he worked hard, hit some emotion buttons, and fronted a crackerjack, I mean REALLY professional band. But the sound sucked. The bass sounded like one note, tubby, distorted, superloud, continous, non distinct blarring BLAT that detracted from hearing Prine. Did the sound person ever hear a Prine LP? Did he or she do a soundcheck? Does he or she know what distortion is? No respect for the star or the audience. ... Read more
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